Magento 2.3 PWA – How to Change URL


I have installed the PWA studio successfully with the Venia storefront. But my development environment URL is generating something like below.


How I can change the URL to something else.

Best Answer

You can change the PWA development environment domain names by updating below env variables inside below path.


And uncomment below lines and give your domain names.

#   By default your subdomain will be detected from your package.json name.
#   Use this to override it.
#   This will prepend the uniquely generated domain with `custom-value`.
#   By default your custom host will be a subdomain of `local.pwadev`.
#   Use this to specify an entire domain, avoiding that TLD.

Then rebuild using below commands and watch the Venia storefront on the new domain name.

npm run build
npm run watch:venia
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