Magento – how to configure cron job for magento


I try to set the right cron for version
I've already put in Cpanel */5 * * * * website/cron.php but I don't receive the order emails.

Can someone tell me, which lines to be modified in cron.php file?

Where to place the "crontab -e" or other additional codes ?

How can I verify which are the correct settings of cron according with my hosting server?

I have a shared SSH hosting, on Linux.

Best Answer

If you are able to open crontab in your shared server then write that command crontab -e to open editor. [it edit it via vim] .

To set your cron every 5 minutes you can use that command

*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /path/to/magento/

After that press Esc and type :wq to save and quit your editor

This is good website to check cron times*/5_*_*_*_*

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