Magento 2.3 MSI – How to Configure Multi Source Inventory


I've heard that Magento Core guys have just developed Multi-Source Inventory functionality


So I guess it means that I can place my products in different countries and depots to be calculated by Magento.

I want to use this feature on my website, because I've been trying to do something like this for a long time.

So, does anybody know how to correctly configure this feature?
Also Share any helpful links or manuals ?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You can proceed on the wiki page of the project - and from the right side of the page you will find "MSI User Guide" which describes how to set up the project and use its main features.

Also, there is a big Slack channel devoted to "#MSI" in Magento Community Slack, which you can apply for following this link There are about 300 active participants there.

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