Magento – How to create a custom one-page checkout


I'm currently in the process of building a booking module for a client's Magento website.

I've come to the checkout process and discovered I could (if I know how) use Magento's built in checkout classes and methods.

What I'm unsure about is how to go about this. I would need to give the user the ability to:

  • Either login, register or continue as guest
  • Input their billing details (if they choose to continue as guest)
  • Some completely custom fields, a mixture of both checkboxes and text inputs
  • Verify order and input payment information
  • Agree to terms and conditions before proceeding and continuing with order

I could really do with someone just breaking down how the one-page checkout process works so I can piece together how it all links.

Best Answer

The checkout might be one of the trickiest parts to customize in Magento. Divisionlab did a tutorial on modifying the checkout you could check.