Magento – how to create a form popup-modal in magento2.3


here I want to create a modal pop up when the button was a click, by using block file how can I pass the modal link through this below code…

 public function getMainButtonsHtml()
    $html = parent::getMainButtonsHtml();//get the parent class buttons
    $addButton = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Button')
        'label'     => 'Add Amount',
        'onclick'   => "setLocation('redirect-url')",
        'class'   => 'amount'
    return $addButton.$html;

Note: 'onclick' => "setLocation('redirect-url')", —-> here i want to pass the link ,Wheather it is possible???If yes please help.

Best Answer

You should create a module first, then after create a requirejs-config.js file at app/code/Vendor/YourModule/view/frontend/requirejs-config.js

var config = {
    paths: {            
         'myjs': "Vendor_YourModule/js/myfile"
    shim: {
    'myjs': {
        deps: ['jquery']

You need to create myfile.js in app/code/Vendor/YourModule/view/frontend/web/js/myfile.js

        ) {
            var options = {
                type: 'popup',
                responsive: true,
                innerScroll: true,
                buttons: [{
                    text: $.mage.__('Continue'),
                    class: 'mymodal1',
                    click: function () {

            var popup = modal(options, $('#popup-modal'));

Then your phtml file should look like:

<div data-mage-init='{"myjs": {}}'>
    <a href="#" id="click-me">Click Me</a>

<div id="popup-modal" >
    yes I am the modal.

Also you can refer to this link for more help:

Modal widget

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