Magento – How to create an object with constructor parameter in controller file


I am trying to create an object of third-party library class in controller file, I am facing issue while passing argument, below is a code I have written to create an object.


protected $_third_party_object;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager
$this->_objectManager = $objectManager;

public function execute(){
   $this->_third_party_object = $this->_objectManager->create('\venodor_name\module_name\lib\class_name',$param);

param is the parameter that needs to be passed to the constructor of the third-party class.

Best Answer

I hope you have already solved this question, it would be nice to post the best way you used it.

Currently, I have solved with the creation of Magento factories. Example:

The third party lib depends on an argument: $apiKek

 * vendor/vendorname/thirdpartylib/api.php
 * @param string $apiKey
 * @param int|null $timeout
public function __construct($apiKey, $timeout = null)
    $this->client = new Client(
        new GuzzleClient(
                'base_url' => 'https://thirdpartylibapi'

In your custom module, in the class that will need this instantiated object:

protected $_apiFactory;

public function __construct(
    \Vendorname\Thirdpartylib\ApiFactory\ApiFactory $apiFactory // This class is automatically generated by Magento: var/generation/Vendorname/Thirdpartylib/ApiFactory.php
    $this->_apiFactory = $apiFactory;

* @return \Vendorname\Thirdpartylib\Api
public function getApi()
    $apiKey = 'apikey'; // Here you can get your apiKey from your settings.

    return $this->_apiFactory->create([$apiKey]); // Pass the argument to position 0.
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