Magento – How to create custom variable programatically for template in magento 2


With the all searching so far I have found that we can add custom variable using this:

$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$model = $objectManager->get('Magento\Variable\Model\Variable')->loadByCode('custom-variable-code');
$plain_value = $model->getPlainValue();

but I have no idea where to add this and what to do with plain value.
Please let me know how can I create custom variable which I can use in my email template globally. Thanks

Best Answer

To add a custom variable, please follow below admin path.

1) Login in to admin.

2) go to SYSTEM -> Custom Variable (under "Other setting").

3) Click "Add New Variable" button.

4) Enter Variable Code,Variable Name,Variable HTML Value [optional], Variable Plain Value[optional]

5) Click "Save" button.

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