Magento – How to create Rest API for the Magento 1.9 hosted in local machine


I have followed the below steps for authentication for REST API

Then I have tried to access this link

The error response which I got is

<message>Request does not match any route.</message>

Please help us how to make it up & reachable , how to get response from the request,
which is the url to access the rest api.

Let me know if I missed anything in the above configuration.

Best Answer

Seems the path is wrong. Is your base install at or ? Try visiting both locations and make sure the base url is viable.

Once that's set. Try again, hopefully you get another response like the following: {\"messages\":{\"error\":[{\"code\":401,\"message\":\"oauth_problem=parameter_absent&oauth_parameters_absent=oauth_token\"}]}}

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