Magento 2 Theme – How to Create in Stable Version


How to create theme in magento 2 stable version?

There are tutorials available for Beta but not stable.

The steps I took are as follow :-

Created folder inside app/design/frontend/Themevendorname/Themename/ in that created theme.xml & composer.json

but when I gone to admin stores->configuration->General->Design in that Design Theme drop-down……..there the new theme is not displayed.

Here are the lines of composer.json

    "name": "themevendorname/theme-frontend-themename",
    "description": "N/A",
    "require": {
        "php": "~5.4.11|~5.5.0",
        "magento/framework": "0.1.0-alpha107",
        "magento/magento-composer-installer": "*"
    "type": "magento2-theme",
    "version": "0.1.0-alpha107",
    "extra": {
        "map": [

Please check the image attached. Another thing is that I also created a folder named theme-frontend-themename inside vendor->magento folder & put the same folders here too but still not getting that theme in admin store->configuration->General->Design in that Design Theme drop-down.

Any Help Please.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Any a module, theme or language in Magento2 stable, you need must create a registration.php file in directory contain module/theme/language. Autoload of Composer it load all file registration.php before Magento2 run.

A registration.php file of a theme the following in app/design/<area>/<Vendor>/<theme_name>/:

