Magento Order Confirmation – Customize Based on Payment Method


I'd like to include a QR code in the order confirmation for all orders with a specific payment method chosen. I'm not too sure where to start.

Currently the payment details section of the order confirmation contains exactly what you see during checkout (banking details etc. for an EFT-style payment).

Would appreciate any pointers.

Best Answer

If I'm not mistaken (could be, was a while back since I changed something in payment methods) each payment method has a block class Info and a corresponding info.phtml template.

For example, looking at moneybookers it has the class Phoenix_Moneybookers_Block_Info with the template moneybookers/info.phtml This is the file which is included in the emails so if you include the QR code there (or whichever payment method you want to change) it should be displayed correctly in the email.

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