Magento – How to customize theme in magento 1.9


I am trying to customize design in magento. Magento version is
enter image description here

This is my design settings in Magento Admin. Though I can not find any package rwd in magento/skin/frontend, so i created new package rwd/trend but it is not working.

enter image description here

When I create another package named ksade/trend, magento gives me this error. Can somebody help me to sort it out and guide me on how to customize a theme?

Skin/frontend dir
enter image description here

app/design/frontend dir
enter image description here

This is how site design look like

Best Answer

Magento theme packages are in app/design/frontend/ directory. You can see the rwd package there.

The css, images and j files are in skin/frontend/ directory.

In order to customize the theme you need to create a new theme. As a good starting point you can use rwd packge.


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