Magento – How to Delete attribute VALUES


Importing blank columns using "Replace" action does not result in deletion of attribute values.
Magento 1.5, 1.7

E.g. a csv containing a list of skus whose sale end date has passed to try to delete those dates and sale prices from the db does not work.

sku   | special_price | special_price_to_date
MX300 |               | 
MX301 |               |
MX302 |               |


Blank columns do not effect any change. So how do I delete values for a product attribute using import?

Best Answer

Your attributes are being filtered out by array_filter() in Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product::_filterRowData()

Empty rows would be filtered out again in Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product_Type_Abstract::prepareAttributesForSave() during Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product::_saveProducts()

It therefore looks like the importer isn't built to handle this.