Magento 1.7 – How to Disable Redirection


Here is my problem: I am trying to set up a development copy of a running Magento website. I created a subdomain, copied all the files to the /dev directory, made a copy of the database, set up the new credentials in /dev/etc/local.xml, change the secure and unsecure URL in core_config_data, but when I try to access the dev page I am always redirected to the live page.

I checked the .htaccess files, I actually cleared it at one point, I disabled Auto-redirect to Base URL (both on the live and the dev version), but the page is still getting redirected.

What and where should I look to get this issue resolved.

Here is the live version of the site:
Dev version should be here: or

Best Answer

This sounds like a caching issue. Assuming you are using file cache, delete everything from dev/var/cache. If that doesn't work it could be the classic "the cache isn't where you think it is" problem. If 'dev/var/cache' isn't writable then the cache may get created in /tmp/magento/.

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