Magento – How to display discount on Special price in product detail page


I overridden module-catalog/product/price/amount/default.phtml file in my theme

    echo $this->helper('Test\ProductDetail\Helper\Data')->DisplayDiscountLabel($_product);

In helper file I have following code ;

 namespace Test\ProductDetail\Helper;

 class Data extends \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper
public function DisplayDiscountLabel($_product)
   $originalPrice = $_product->getPrice();
    $finalPrice = $_product->getFinalPrice();

    $percentage = 0;
    if ($originalPrice > $finalPrice) {
        $percentage = number_format(($originalPrice - $finalPrice) * 100 / $originalPrice,0);

    if ($percentage) {
        return "(".$percentage."%)";


but problem is that in phtml file I am not getting value of $_product?

Best Answer

In overrrided phtml file


You can get product object in a variable $_product Using

<?php   $_product = $block->getSaleableItem(); ?>