Magento – How to display the sku of product in javascript


When the below line is used in JavaScript it displays the Product Id:

var productId = optionsPrice.productId;

Similarly how to get & display sku of the configurable product & simple product?

Best Answer

You need to overwrite Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable class


public function getJsonConfig()
    $config = Zend_Json::decode(parent::getJsonConfig());

    $productsCollection = $this->getAllowProducts();
    foreach ($productsCollection as $product) {
        $productId = $product->getId();
        $config['products_sku'][$productId]['sku'] = $product->getSku();
    $jsonConfig = Zend_Json::encode($config);
    return $jsonConfig;


<?xml version="1.0"?>

Create app/code/local/SR/Stackexchange/etc/config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


Create app/code/local/SR/Stackexchange/Block/Product/View/Type/Configurable.php

class SR_Stackexchange_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable
    public function getJsonConfig()
        $config = Zend_Json::decode(parent::getJsonConfig());
        $currentProduct = $this->getProduct();
        $config['sku'] = $currentProduct->getSku();
        $productsCollection = $this->getAllowProducts();
        foreach ($productsCollection as $product) {
            $productId = $product->getId();
            $config['products_sku'][$productId]['sku'] = $product->getSku();

        $jsonConfig = Zend_Json::encode($config);
        return $jsonConfig;

Clear cache.


Suppose you have all config in var config. So you can display sku following way:

// For parent sku

//You get all child sku

//Specific child sku by product_id
var product_id = 294;

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