Magento – How to do a list with all categories and subcategories, from a given main-category


I like to do a list with the name of all subcategories and sub subcategories from a giving main category.

I am really a bit new in Magento. But what I want to do, a list from all subcategories (name and url, as href) from the main category "Brands":

without the "All Brands" category but with those subcategories from "All Brands".

Any suggestions or link I can find some solution?

Best Answer

Try this.

Assume the ID of category "All Brands" is 3

    $parentCategoryId = 3;
    $childCategories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($parentCategoryId);

  foreach ($childCategories as $child) {
        echo 'Name : ' . $child->getName() . '<br>'; // will print the sub category name
        echo 'Url : ' . $child->getRequestPath() . '<br><hr>'; // will print the URL

NOTE: If you want to get more info about the sub category use below lines inside above foreach() loop.

$subCatData = $child->getData();

It will get an array of sub category data.


If you are in the category page you can get the current category ID by using below line of code. (instead of hard-coding the category ID use this way)

$ccurrentCategoryId = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory()->getId();

So now the code would be as follows in your scenario.

 $parentCategoryId = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory()->getId();
        $childCategories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($parentCategoryId);

      foreach ($childCategories as $child) {
            echo 'Name : ' . $child->getName() . '<br>'; // will print the sub category name
            echo 'Url : ' . $child->getRequestPath() . '<br><hr>'; // will print the URL
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