Magento – how to do absolute pricing for custom options in simple product


i have added many simple products with custom options , but during select it add price to the default.

i donot want it to add price in default , actually it should replace it with the selected custom option price.

default $30

custom options :

first $50
second $70

on selecting first custom option, it should show final price as $50 instead of $80

Please suggest…

Best Answer

Magento does not support this. The custom options prices are relative to the base price.
I think a better way of doing it, in order not to interfere with the magento pricing calculation system (that's kind of a monster) is to either set the prices for the custom options relative to the base price or set the base product price to 0.

Working with the same example you gave, you either set the prices of your custom options to 20$ and 40$.
Or, if the custom option is mandatory set the base price to 0 instead of 30 and leave the custom options prices as they are.

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