Dynamically Add Fields to Widget Options in Magento


I am creating a standard Magento widget. In the options tab for the widget I have a field. This field is for filters in the form of key:'value' pairs. I would like the user to be able to dynamically create as many filters as they need.

So, ideally the user clicks a button 'Add new Filter' and a new field is generated below the original field.

widget options

I have an idea that I can use a custom <source_model>, but I am not sure what javascript methods or Mage classes already handle dynamic buttons such as this. I'm thinking there has to be an easy way.

My widget.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <namespace_module type="module/links">
        <name>Widget Name</name>
    <description>Display a gizmo</description>

Then I have app/code/community/Namespace/Module/Model/Filters.php

which looks like:

class Namespace_Module_Model_Filters {

  public function toOptionArray() {
    return array(
      array('value' => 'val', 'val' => '1'),
      array('value' => 'val2', 'val2' => '2'),
      array('value' => 'val3', 'val3' => '3'),

  // Can I do anything here to generate dynamic fields?


Perhaps this is not the correct way to go about this? Is it possible to create a custom <type> and generate the buttons there? Maybe I just need more coffee ["])

UPDATE: I'm now looking at the <type>multiline</type> parameter, to see if I can use that. However, I think I'm still going to need to create a custom multiline. The reason is that Varien_Data_Form_Element_Multiline has the line count hardcoded:

public function __construct($attributes=array())
        $this->setLineCount(2); // hardcoded

Best Answer

I've not got much experience with widgets, but if this works like any other admin panel form you could make use of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form_Field_Array_Abstract and store your filters as a serialised array?

Have a look at Mage_CatalogInventory_Block_Adminhtml_Form_Field_Minsaleqty for an implementation of it.

It should allow you to add dynamic rows and store them all under one serialised attribute, kind of like how this picture shows.

enter image description here

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