Magento – How to edit magento 2 grouped products page


How do I edit and change Magento 2 grouped products page? I wish to be able to add more table cells on the page so I can add more information that I need to show from each product in the grouped products. Unfortunately, it seems I'm missing something very important to be able to do this.

Here's what iv done so far:

Copied the


and created a new folder in


Iv also included the view/type/default.phtml and layout/catalog_product_view_type_grouped.xml in my theme.

After copying these files I tested the grouped.phtml and added a new <th> with just a text TEST and ran setup:upgrade and setup:static-content:deploy, to ensure the updates would get loaded, but nothing has changed. Have I copied the wrong file(s) to my theme or done the whole process wrong?

Best Answer

Try this:

Create new folders in your theme with Magento_GroupedProduct/templates/product/view/type/.

Paste PHTML file like grouped.phtml.

After that you need to run only php bin/magento cache:flush

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