Magento – How to export/import admin settings in M2


Having set many settings in the back end, how does one export those so that they could be applied to another installation of Magento 2? (Or, for that matter, just review them all by eye in one go without having to poke through the UI for each one or few of them.)

Of particular interest are attributes and attribute sets, and all the extensive settings in Stores > Configuration

(I am already aware of Product import and export, System > Export and Import, but these don't cover the items I ask about here.)

This is for Magento 2.1.x CE.

Best Answer

Magento all configuration data save in core_config_data table.

You can import all admin configration from one Magento-2 to another Magento-2 store.

Export core_config_data table from first magento store, which you have save all configuration data.

Import exported data to Magento another store, Which you want apply on the store.