Magento 1.4 Extensions – How to Extend a Core Helper vs. Copying to Local


I have extended a Magento core class (i.e. Model) but am not sure how to extend a core Helper. The documentation varies and I have not found anything that works.

Currently I want to extend this Helper class:


And the "hack" (though perfectly legal) is to copy the entire class to here:


I would, however, prefer to EXTEND that class so my code was more portable, so I had this file:


with this class:

class Mycompany_Catalog_Helper_Category extends Mage_Catalog_Helper_Category{
    .. etc..

How would I do this?

By the way, irritatingly enough, there appears to be a great tutorial on this but the critical XML information is missing!! If anyone can fill that in and post here, I'll back-reference it for everyone's benefit:

Best Answer

You can extend the class, the missing piece of the puzzle is to add an entry into your etc/config.xml


This will tell Magento to override the catalog/category helper, so the call Mage::helper('catalog/category') will return your class.

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