Magento 2 – How to Extend Admin JS with Mixins


I want to overide


I wrote require-config.js for this

var config = {
    config: {
        mixins: {
            'Magento_Sales/adminhtml/web/order/create/scripts.js': {
                'Magento_Sales/web/order/create/scripts-mixins.js': true

My implementation is in file

], function(jQuery, confirm, alert){

   return AdminOrder.prototype = {
       setCustomerId : function(id){
            return false;
            this.customerId = id;
            this.loadArea('header', true);
            $(this.getAreaId('header')).callback = 'setCustomerAfter';

But its not working.
its always executing parent class function.

Best Answer

You may not use js mixin for the particular js file you try to override (i.e /vendor/magento/module-sales/view/adminhtml/web/order/create/scripts.js). Also, your require-config.js declaration is wrong but this not matter since mixin will not work for the js file /vendor/magento/module-sales/view/adminhtml/web/order/create/scripts.js

You may try below steps to override this AdminOrder class of the scripts.js file

I assume you are using a custom Module "Company_MyModule"

Step 1)

Create a xml file sales_order_create_index.xml under /app/code/Company/MyModule/view/adminhtml/layout

File : /app/code/Company/MyModule/view/adminhtml/layout/sales_order_create_index.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">        
    <referenceContainer name="js">
            <block class="Magento\Backend\Block\Template" template="Company_MyModule::order/create/js.phtml" name="create2"/>

step 2)

Create a phtml file js.phtml under /app/code/Company/MyModule/view/adminhtml/templates/order/create

File : /app/code/Company/MyModule/view/adminhtml/templates/order/create/js.phtml

], function(){


step 3)

Create js file scripts.js under /app/code/Company/MyModule/view/adminhtml/web/js/order/create to override AdminOrder class.

File: /app/code/Company/MyModule/view/adminhtml/web/js/order/create/scripts.js

 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

/* global AdminOrder */
], function (jQuery) {
    'use strict';

    AdminOrder.prototype.setCustomerId = function(id){
           //console.log("override setCustomerId called");
        return false;
            this.customerId = id;
            this.loadArea('header', true);
            $(this.getAreaId('header')).callback = 'setCustomerAfter';


step 4)

Clear your Magento Cache and alson remove adminhtml static files also.

php bin/magento cache:clean
sudo rm -rf pub/static/adminhtml/*
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