Magento 2.2 – How to Extend mage.catalogAddToCart Widget


Tried to extend mage.catalogAddToCart by following the steps here:

However, it didn't work

Best Answer

The reason that this way using the alias


does not work is because in templates/product/view/addtocart.phtml

Magento uses a validation widget to help with product validation which also plugs the add to cart form's submit handler.While, following the dev docs instructions one might use the Alias to try and extend the widget, Magento invokes the widget internally.

    "#product_addtocart_form": {
        "Magento_Catalog/js/validate-product": {}

To make it work correctly so the validations aren't lost, follow the steps below:

  1. addtocart.phtml should have

    { "#product_addtocart_form": { "js/custom-validate-product": {} } }

  2. create a new file js/custom-validate-product like this:

        ], function ($) {
        'use strict';
        $.widget('mage.productValidate', {
            options: {
                bindSubmit: false,
                radioCheckboxClosest: '.nested'
                * Uses Magento's validation widget for the form object.
                * @private
            _create: function () {
                var bindSubmit = this.options.bindSubmit;
                    radioCheckboxClosest: this.options.radioCheckboxClosest,
                        * Uses catalogAddToCart widget as submit handler.
                        * @param {Object} form
                        * @returns {Boolean}
                    submitHandler: function (form) {
                        var jqForm = $(form).customAddToCart({
                            bindSubmit: bindSubmit
                        jqForm.customAddToCart('submitForm', jqForm);
                        return false;
        return $.mage.productValidate;

  1. In the theme's requirejs-config.js add:
    var config = {
        "map": {
            "*": {
                "customAddToCart": "js/custom-add-to-cart",
  1. Finally you can add the file custom-add-to-cart.js and modify the behavior of mage.catalogAddToCartWidget
        ], function ($, $t) {
        "use strict";
        $.widget('ebow.customAddToCart', $.mage.catalogAddToCart, {
            options: {
                processStart: null,
                processStop: null,
                bindSubmit: true,
                minicartSelector: '[data-block="minicart"]',
                messagesSelector: '[data-placeholder="messages"]',
                productStatusSelector: '.stock.available',
                addToCartButtonSelector: '#product-addtocart-button',
                addToCartButtonDisabledClass: 'disabled',
                addToCartButtonTextWhileAdding: '',
                addToCartButtonTextAdded: '',
                addToCartButtonTextDefault: ''
            _create: function () {
                if (this.options.bindSubmit) {
        return $.ebow.customAddToCart;
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