Magento – How to Force HTTP instead of HTTPS in Canonical tag – Magento 2


I have SSL enabled in my site, here is what I was expecting: SSL only on checkout process, customer restrict area and backend, not on the entire store such as product and category pages.

In my settings I have both options:

  • Use Secure URLs on Storefront: YES
  • Use Secure URLs in Admin: YES

The Storefront option if changed to NO, the checkout and customer restrict area doesn't work with SSL.

Is there any way to set the store to work as expected?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I believe that by now you have realized that it is better to serve all your web pages over HTTPS, instead of HTTP. Furthermore, HTTPS is the new Web Standard now and web content served over HTTP will be treated as a website flaw.

So, it is recommended to enable HTTPS redirect and full-page SSL for your Magento website.

From Stores > Configuration > Web for Base URL add the HTTPS version of your domain. Then, set Use Secure URLs on Storefront, set Use Secure URLs on Admin and Upgrade Insecure Requests to YES.