Magento 1 – How to Retrieve Data from Custom Module Table


I have a custom module with its own table which saves the date inside the column named date_to.

I am trying to access the values from only this column but when I load the collection and call getData('date_to') I get the whole collection and not just the date_to column.

Here is what I have tried so far:

$date = Mage::getModel('namespace_modulename/tablename')->getData('date_to');


When I do print_r($date); I get the whole collection even though I have specified in parenthesis the I only want the date_to column values.

I know I'm missing out an important piece and would like for some help please.

Best Answer

Thanks for the help, I had to loop over the collection like below:

$date = Mage::getModel('namespace_modulename/tablename');

$collection = $date->getCollection();
foreach($collection as $date_to){
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