Magento – How to get description of related products on product page in magento


I am using magento 1.7 and i need to display description of related products on product page. I am getting name ,image and URL of related products through related.phtml but not getting description.

And i also want add to cart button there which will add that related product to the cart.

Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Ok description is not loaded by default so what I had do was ugly way of displaying description on related product.

In foreach loop you can get product id from this $_item->getEntityId()

And from id load product model $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_item->getEntityId());

$product->getDescription() give you description of product.

And for add to cart button remove your checkbox input field put something like this

<a href="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl() ?>checkout/cart/add/product/<?php echo $_item->getId();?>">Add to cart </a>

thus you can have individual add to cart link.