Magento – How to get item price BEFORE discount from Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item


Magento CE

I'm in the process of modifying a custom module that gets item information form the Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item model when an order is placed. Currently I'm getting pricing information like this:

    'sell_price' => $this->_getBaseAmt('row_total', $item),
    'original_price' => $item->getOriginalPrice(),

I'm attempting to get either the discount amount or if possible, the price before discount. Here is an example of my attempt:

'price_before_discount' => $item->getPrice(),

But all I can ever seem to return is the sale price (aka "special price"). Can someone provide an example of the correct way to get this information? I need the original price of item that has been ordered.

Best Answer

Inspecting the object I have the original price in all of these:


While these gets the discounted price:
