Magento API – Get JSON of Products/StoreConfig by URL Request


I'd like to setup Magento so that if I make a request with an URL such as: (actual url format not important)

would return json with the data requested. How can I achieve this? Here's how I'm retrieving the data:

public function getStoreSettings()
    //this successfully retrieves the value of my custom settings property
    $my_property= Mage::getStoreConfig('my_module/my_settings/my_property', 'default');

    $data = array('my_property'=>$my_property);
    $json = Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($data);

    //return json here

Where would the right place to add this code? How can I map an URL to call this function and return the response as json? I appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction!

Best Answer

After lots of playing around with Magento, trying to figure out all the magic going on, I found a solution to my problem, and am adding a solution for those who may come across the same task.

1 - Go to your app/etc/modules/YourPackage_YourModule.xml This is what I have:



this will create a route for

2- Go to app/code/community/YourPackage/YourModule/controllers/ Create your YourController.php. This is mine:


class YourPackage_YourModule_YourController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action

    public function indexAction()
        $response = array('my_key'=> 'my_value');



There's a lot of magic going on with the naming conventions, for a more in-depth walk-through, check out Magento for Developers: Part 3 - Magento Controller Dispatch

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