Magento 2 – Get Last Added Attribute Option ID


I am adding options to attribute programmatically as explained here
What i want is to get the id of that attribute option to save it to my custom db table. How to achieve this?

Best Answer

At magento2, If you want a options then follow Marius answer

$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions();

give list of options with value and label

foreach ($options as $option) {
    $options->getValue();  // Value
    $option->getLabel();  // Label
   $OptionInarray[$options->getValue()] = $option->getLabel();

here, $options->getValue(); is give u list option id of this attribute

Then using krsort() you can get last order id fro $OptionInarray

krsort($OptionInarray);..Then array_values(krsort($OptionInarray))[0]; , we can get last id

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