Magento 2 – How to Get Region Text from Address ID


I am not able to get region text from address id,

 <?php $_pAddsses = $block->getDefaultBilling() ?>
 <?php echo $block->getAddressById($_pAddsses)->getRegionId() ?>      
  // output 5

 <?php echo $block->getAddressById($_pAddsses)->getRegion() ?>
   //output ""(empty)

And for my question, I don't have any region code, as many countries don't have region dropdown, like – India country dropdown doesn't have region dropdown, so in the database, the region id is 0 and region is whatever we filled in the text box for the region.

enter image description here

I checked the database it does contain region text.

I need region text to populate the region text box for which region dropdown is not available for countries.

I am not able to figure out what am I doing wrong.

Best Answer

You can try following code to get the region from the address id.

$address = $this->addressRepository->getById($addressId);

where $this->addressRepository is the object of Magento\Customer\Api\AddressRepositoryInterface
$address->getRegion() will give return you the object of Magento\Customer\Api\Data\RegionInterface
and then calling getRegion() on it will give you string.