Magento 1.8 – Get Related Products in Custom Module Admin Grid


I am working on Magento custom module admin grid I want to show product id and related product id and other product information.

Please help me to do this.

Best Answer

You can try on this.

Assume you want to find the related products of $product_id.

$model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$product = $model->load($product_id);

// Get all related product ids of $product.
$allRelatedProductIds = $product->getRelatedProductIds();

foreach ($allRelatedProductIds as $id) {
            $relatedProduct = $model->load($id);

            // get Product's name
            echo $relatedProduct->getName();

            // get product's short description
            echo $relatedProduct->getShortDescription();

            // get Product's Long Description
            echo $relatedProduct->getDescription();

            // get Product's Regular Price
            echo $relatedProduct->getPrice();

            // get Product's Special price
            echo $relatedProduct->getSpecialPrice();

            // get Product's Url
            echo $relatedProduct->getProductUrl();

            // get Product's image Url
            echo $relatedProduct->getImageUrl();

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