Magento 1.8 – How to Get Root Category ID in Admin Product Grid


I have multi-website, multi-store magento installation. Each store have different root category.

I have created admin users for each store and restricted access to their related store.

In each admin panel product grid I have to display his product only.

So I want to filter each product before display in grid, To do this i need the root category id of current logged in admin.

But whenever I try to get current admin store root category, the value is zero.

So the questions are:

  1. How can I get currently logged in admin store's root category?
  2. How can I get each product root category?

Thanks in Advance..

Best Answer

What you are describing is no standard behaviour of magento, so depending on how this is all implemented, we might help you. Can you describe how the users are connected with the stores?

If you know the user, then you know the store.

Just to make sure we are talking about the Same things where:

Website ->    Store ->     StoreView (I'll use this naming)
because magento internally (on php class level) uses other terms:
Website -> Store Group -> Store

If you know the store, you can get directly the root category id: $store->getRootCategoryId().

If this return 0, then $store is admin. So you "only" need to get the correct store.

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