Magento 1.9 – How to Use a Different DB Connection for Collections


So I have extended a Magento collection to obtain my own collection only I want to use a different DB connection. What I have attempted to do is define the connection in config.xml like so:


and then in my overriding constructor, do:

class VMR_Customreports_Model_Resource_Storeoverview_Collection extends     Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Order_Collection
        public function __construct()

                $resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
                $conn = $resource->getConnection('externaldb_read');


This doesn't appear to have any effect. I would have expected an error if it didn't work. What do I do?

UPDATE: After more debugging, I note that this code below returns the original db connection and not the one I defined in my XML. Why is that?

$conn = $resource->getConnection('externaldb_read');

Best Answer

A quick check (see test case below) actually shows what you are doing should be just peachy.
For that reason, I suspect some error in your configuration. Please edit your post to include your collection class with at least it's __construct and _construct methods.
Also, if you are not using the sales/order resource model, please include it with it's constructor methods, too.

I just noticed you are using $resource->getConnection('reportingdb_read'); in your constructor.
In the configuration XML the connection is called <externaldb_read>.
Note: reportingdb_read != externaldb_read

Maybe thats just a copy & paste error in your post, but if not, you have to use
If that isn't the issue, please update your post, again, and I'll help dig further.

// Test to confirm a connection set via setConnection() on a 
// Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Order_Collection instance is used
// to load the collection data.
class Reports_CollectionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public static function setUpBeforeClass()
        require_once 'app/Mage.php';

    protected function getConnectionMock()
        $mockSelect = $this->getMockBuilder('Varien_Db_Select')

        $mockConn = $this->getMockBuilder('Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql')



        return $mockConn;

     * @test
    public function testCollectionConnection()
        $mockCon = $this->getConnectionMock();

        $collection = new Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Order_Collection;

        $this->assertSame($mockCon, $collection->getConnection());
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