Magento – how to get the store name in CMS page – Magento 1.9


I have multistore. 1., 2.

Both of them have the same content, but the only difference is the name of the store (i.e and

I don't want to create the same pages just for multiple store.
Is there a way, we can use the same page and use some code, might be like this {{storename}}, and its render on front-end.

Best Answer

In phtml:

Gets the current store's name

$storeName = Mage::app()->getStore()->getName();

In Cms:

Gets the current store's name

{{config path="general/store_information/name"}}

Nb: dont forget to config the name of your store in : admin->system->configuration, general->store information select the store in top left corner and set the name of your store that you want to show.

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