Magento2 Multistore – How to Give Multi-Stores Different Themes


Under Stores/Different Stores I have set up a new website, store and store view. The new store has its own root category. I've set up the base urls to point the the second url. I've done the sym links etc. The URL now points correctly to the store but I cannot figure out how to set a different theme for my second store.

I go into Content/Design/Configuration and my new store is nowhere to be seen. I have no idea how to specify that I want a different theme for it.

Can anyone advise me?
No second store in the content/design/configuration

Best Answer

When new Website or store view created you have to run the following command in your commandline,

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Once this done, you can able to see your new store in design section to edit and set the custom theme.

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