Magento Image Preview – How to Make the Preview Image Bigger


I am making a module that will pretty much do the same with the catalog->product manager do.
In my module i need to upload an image.Everything is fine so far.The problem is that i can't find a way when i have upload an image and go to edit that product, the image is 22×22 px.

My field is in the form is like that:

$fieldset->addField('imagebook', 'image', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('books')->__('Image'),
          'required'  => false,
          'name'      => 'imagebook',


So my question is from the image below.How can i make that image bigger?When i edit the css that magento uses it change all the preview images for all the site.

Preview image

Thanks in advance for your time.

Best Answer

You can add html content after your element, use following:

$field = $fieldset->addField('imagebook', 'image', array(
    'label' => Mage::helper('books')->__('Image'),
    'required' => false,
    'name' => 'imagebook',

$imageUrl = Mage::registry('model')->getImageUrl();

    "<img src='$imageUrl' class='some_class'/> "

Here $imageUrl is link to uploaded image, I get it from my model, but yours may be differ, you can get it using own logic. And also add some css rules for some_class.