Magento 1.9 – How to Solve Font Downloadable Error ‘downloadable font: OS/2: bad linegap’

font familymagento-1.9

How can i solve font downloadable error for magento site show as follow:

downloadable font: OS/2: bad linegap: -32 (font-family: "ThemeIcons"
style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1) source:

Screenshot:enter image description here

Best Answer

Ok :) "Bad line gap " error indicates the use of one deprecated browser prefixes like: white-space: -moz-pre-wrap which isn't required as of Firefox 3.0 You have to inspect your font stylesheet on the line 2 to see exact prefix. After line :


/remove or comment out this code line (-moz-something)/

And see if it helps.

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