Magento – how to implement add to cart functionality on custom module


I am new in magento. I have made a custom module of price calculator in which a user enter the height and width of a product and it gets its price.
I want to implement add to cart functionality so that height,width and price goes to cart. But i don't know the code and syntax to implement it.

Cart functionality is already installed on my project.

This is controller

class Test_Mymodule_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action 
    public function indexAction() 

    public function calculateAction()
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $printdata = $request->getPost();

             $obj = Mage::getModel("test_mymodule/results");

             $show_results = $obj->showshuttersprice($printdata['width'],$printdata['height']);


         Mage::register('data', $show_results);// In the Controller

         Mage::register('width', $printdata['width']);// In the Controller

         Mage::register('height', $printdata['height']);// In the Controller



This is my view in which i want to implement add to cart

 $data = Mage::registry('data');// In the View;

 $width = Mage::registry('width');// In the View;   

 $height = Mage::registry('height');// In the View;     

if($data == "0" || $data == "NULL" || $data == "")
    echo "Sorry, Product is Unavailable";

<h6 align="center">Price Results for <?php echo $width; ?> mm by <?php echo $height; ?> mm Domestic Rollershutter</h6>
     <table border="1" align="center" width="100%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">
               <td>Price</td> <td><?php echo "$"." ".$data; ?></td>


<br />
<a href ="">Add to cart</a>

Any body help me…

Best Answer

There are two options.

Adding via Query string


Adding via code

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