Magento 1.9 – How to Insert Custom Template/Block


Trying to insert custom template/block into specific place in =>

for some reason my block appears either before or after and I can't manage to insert it anywhere else.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <reference name="content">

        <block type="amber_custom/catalog_product_custom" name="linked.product" template="amber/catalog/product/custom.phtml" after=""/> <!-- trying inset it after this block but no luck -->



What is the problem, why it won't go there ?

To find out all the block names i'm using "ath" – advanced theme hint , it shows all the names correctly.

Best Answer


  1. Copy catalog/product/view.phtml into to your theme if it isn't already (never directly edit core files or you could lose your changes)
  2. Inside this template add <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('linked.product') ?> to where you want it to render
  3. In your layout XML change <reference name="content"> to <reference name="">


The problem arises because you're using <reference name="content"> - content is a structural block and structural blocks will automatically render child blocks and this is your problem as it can be difficult to position blocks this way.

Why before/after isn't working for you

after isn't working for you because your block is using the reference content whilst inside the reference of

You're best bet is to use <reference name=""> rather than content and then copy over catalog/product/view.phtml into your theme if it isn't already (never edit the core or Ben Marks will hunt you down).

Now inside this template add the following:

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('linked.product') ?>

This will render your block where ever you add that line of code.

At first the above seems a bit strange and not so straight forward, but after you've done it a few times it becomes second nature and actually makes sense.

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