Magento – how to install extension without composer


I want to install this extension in my project where i have integrated a new template :evincemage/module-trackorder . I tried with empty project(without template ) it works but with template it does 'nt appear please help

Best Answer

To make sure your module is installed successfully, please modify/check these things:

  1. Open app/etc/config.php and find your module registered name here. The value should be 1.

  2. Access table setup_module in your database, find your module registered name here. It must be listed here with valid values of schema_version and data_version.

  3. If 1 & 2 are ok, you don't need to run setup:upgrade command again. Just clear the cache by using these commands below (I don't use Magento commands because sometimes they do not work as expected):

    rm -rf pub/static/frontend
    rm -rf var/cache
    rm -rf var/page_cache
    rm -rf var/view_preprocessed
  4. Reload your Frontend to get result.

Notice: Do not remove .htaccess file in pub/static folder.

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