Magento – How to install Magento 2.3 on Windows 10 x64 with sample data


I am a .NET Developer and for the first time installing Magento 2.3 on my local machine with Windows 10 , 64 bit machine from last three days but without success.

Here is what I did –

  1. Installed XAMPP from here

  2. Downloaded , unzipped and copied the magento files to C:/xampp/htdocs/magento23 folder

  3. From XAMPP> Apache > Config , uncommented the extensions soap, xsl, mysql and almost every other extension
  4. Installed Composer and executed the composer install command in magento23 folder
  5. Removed read-only permission from the complete folder
  6. Readiness check, installation, DB Creation done. But the admin screen comes up complete gray and application screen come up with only few links at the bottom.

Best Answer

For Magento 2.3 there is issue with "\"


In above file find

$realPath = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path); // approx 114 line

Replace with

$realPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));

I hope this will help you.

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