Magento 2.1 – How to Join Product Collection to Custom Table


I have a custom table user_product_table with a field sku(this field join to product collection) and user. How can I join this table with product collection, so that I don't have to loop my custom collection to get product in each row.

My $userCollection:

 $userCollection = $this->_userProductFactory->create()
        ->addFieldToFilter('user', 2);

My product Collection:

$productColelction = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create()

I would like to have final collection both my custom table fields and selected product attributes.

Best Answer

We can use the join like this:

            $joinConditions = 'u.sku = e.sku';

                ['u' => $productColelction->getTable('user_product_table')],

Multi conditions:

        $joinConditions[] = "u.sku = e.sku";

        $joinConditions[] = "e.type_id= 'simple' ";

        $joinConditions = implode(
            ' AND ', $joinConditions