Magento – How to know Admin user password in Magento 1.9


I have many admin users in my magento backend. I want to know one particular user's password, but password stored like below image.
enter image description here

How to know that user's password without reset password.

Is there any way in magento.?

Best Answer

Magento, by default, saves the password in CONCAT(MD5('qXyourpassword'),':qX') format, where 'qX' is salt value for encryption and it can be any other string and the string 'yourpassword' can be replaced by the user's password.

If by any chance, the string qX is blank, then you can try decoding the password using MD5 decode online tools. But in most cases, it is not possible that the salt value for encryption is empty.

That is why Magento is too secure.

If you want to change the password, you can try the following query:

UPDATE `admin_user` SET `password` = CONCAT(MD5('qXpassword'), ':qX') WHERE `username` = 'USERNAME';

where 'USERNAME' is the desired username for which you want to reset the password.

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