SQL Query to List All Disabled Products in Magento


I need to list all disabled products by using a MySQL query.

I have too many products in my database to be using something like this (creating a collection, loading it and looping over it): http://www.srikanth.me/get-all-disabled-products-on-magento/

Best Answer

As magento product folow the EAV structure that

You need to write a Query between eav_attribute and catalog_product_entity_int table

Magento save product status on table catalog_product_entity_int table. Save it as 1 and 2.

  • 1 for enable
  • 2 for disable.

You need to get status attribute id using attribute code status, basically it is 96.


SELECT entity_id FROM `catalog_product_entity_int`
WHERE attribute_id = (
    SELECT attribute_id FROM `eav_attribute`
    WHERE `attribute_code` LIKE 'status'
) AND `catalog_product_entity_int`.value = 2
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