Magento – How to make https URL to http


I am wondering how magento determines which page should be secure & which page should be unsecure.

From what i understand, magento only makes the checkout & login page as secure by default & i can make other pages secure by specifying them under the config path frontend/secure_url/.... via my module's config.xml

The admin-side configuration seems to be fine. SSL is enabled in both frontend & backend. The backend is fully over https. In the frontend most pages work fine under http including the homepage, & the checkout & login pages are redirected to https as expected.

But there are a few other url's getting redirected to https that i was expecting to remain on http including a custom module's controller/action.

I need some pointers on how to debug this? Is there any other config i can use to stop them from being redirected?

Best Answer

There is a function just for that, called shouldUrlBeSecure located in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config.php on line 1477.

Here is the complete function:

 * Check whether given path should be secure according to configuration security requirements for URL
 * "Secure" should not be confused with https protocol, it is about web/secure/*_url settings usage only
 * @param string $url
 * @return bool
public function shouldUrlBeSecure($url)
    if (!Mage::getStoreConfigFlag(Mage_Core_Model_Store::XML_PATH_SECURE_IN_FRONTEND)) {
        return false;

    if (!isset($this->_secureUrlCache[$url])) {
        $this->_secureUrlCache[$url] = false;
        $secureUrls = $this->getNode('frontend/secure_url');
        foreach ($secureUrls->children() as $match) {
            if (strpos($url, (string)$match) === 0) {
                $this->_secureUrlCache[$url] = true;

    return $this->_secureUrlCache[$url];

To see which URLs should be secure you can add a simple Mage::log($secureUrls) inside the if statement. This is what my log entry looked like:

2014-02-12T11:55:26+00:00 DEBUG (7): Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element Object
    [install] => /install/wizard/checkSecureHost
    [customer] => /customer/
    [sales] => /sales/
    [authorizenet_paygate] => /paygate/authorizenet_payment
    [checkout_onepage] => /checkout/onepage
    [checkout_multishipping] => /checkout/multishipping
    [paypal_express] => /paypal/express
    [paypal_standard] => /paypal/standard
    [paypal_express_callbackshippingoptions] => paypal/express/callbackshippingoptions
    [googlecheckout_redirect] => /googlecheckout/redirect/
    [googlecheckout_beacon] => /googlecheckout/api/beacon/
    [googlecheckout_api] => /googlecheckout/api/
    [review_customer] => /review/customer/
    [tag_customer] => /tag/customer/
    [wishlist] => /wishlist/
    [paypaluk_express] => /paypaluk/express
    [rss_catalog_review] => /rss/catalog/review
    [rss_order_new] => /rss/order/new
    [rss_catalog_notifystock] => /rss/catalog/notifystock
    [centinel] => /centinel/
    [newsletter_manage] => /newsletter/manage/
    [downloadable] => /downloadable/customer/
    [downloadable_download] => /downloadable/download/
    [ogone_api] => /ogone/api
    [persistent_onepage_register] => /persistent/index/saveMethod
    [checkout_cart] => /checkout/cart
    [storecredit_info] => /storecredit/info/
    [giftcard_customer] => /giftcard/customer/
    [enterprise_pbridge_pbridge] => /enterprise_pbridge/pbridge/
    [invitation] => /invitation/

Now to figure out how Magento switches HTTP to HTTPS I think you would most likely have dive into the Zend framework in the lib inside lib/Zend/Http/* because it contains files of most interest. Well, anyway hope this helped. Good luck!

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