Magento – how to manually set order status to “Complete”


I created an invoice for an order, then created a shipment from my magento admin and I encountered a rare problem, for some reason when I pressed "Submit Shipment" the website went to a 404 page, server side issues, being looked at separately. Now the order has an invoice and shipment, literally the order is complete but the status still remains as processing. when I check the invoices tab, the invoice is there, when I check shipment tab the shipment is there. has anyone else ever encountered this?
I believe when the system crashed it recorded the shipment however didn't change the status to "Complete" So is there a way to manually change the status to "Complete"? Perhaps from the database?


Best Answer

The following SQL queries should set an orders status

UPDATE sales_flat_order_grid SET status = 'complete';  
UPDATE sales_flat_order SET state = 'complete', status = 'complete';

Of course, if you wanted to update specific records, you'd add WHERE entity_id = '1245' or whatever to the end of the query.

UPDATE sales_flat_order SET state = 'completed', status = 'completed' WHERE increment_id IN (order#1,order#2,etc);

UPDATE sales_flat_order_grid SET status = 'completed' WHERE increment_id IN (order#1,order#2,etc);

And always backup the database before you run any queries like the above!

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