Magento – How to migrate from Enterprise edition to Community Edition


I have a store running in Magento Enterprise Edition, would like to migrate to Community Edition, can you please suggest how I can do this?

Best Answer

Edit 3/10/14

Yanted has written a fabulous guide to this - some of the EE features in >= 1.13 actually make upgrades a little more painful than the below writeup would lead you to believe. As Marius points out in the comments that all passwords will have to be reset as encryption methods are handled differently between EE/CE.

See the blog for more details.

Original post:

Migrating is actually very easy - point your CE codebase at your production database. There's little more to it than that (see below for some folder removal information).

If you're using a well-built EE-compatible theme it should be backward compatible.

Here are some little-known EE features you'll need to watch out for when downgrading to Community:

  • No access to Customer Attributes from Admin Panel
  • Customer segments will go away
  • Catalog events, private sales, Invitations etc. will go away
  • CMS hierarchies are not supported in CE
  • Banners are not supported in CE
  • RMA - people always seem to forget about RMA (information will be resident in db)
  • Admin Logging information will be inaccessible (still resident in db)

If you have a large portion of your CMS built in EE I recommend you take a very thorough and methodical approach and make sure that your new CE theme (or backwardly-compatible EE theme) support the data that is still resident.

I also suggest not dropping any tables from the db prefixed with enterprise - as well as not removing any enterprise folders from your 3rd party themes. These are not considered as part of the EE install and you should take them along with you when you leave. You will need to remove the files and folders from the following locations:

  • app/code/core/Enterprise
  • app/design/frontend/enterprise
  • app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/enterprise
  • app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/enterprise
  • skin/adminhtml/default/enterprise
  • skin/frontend/enterprise
  • app/etc/modules/Enterprise_*.xml
  • js/enterprise
  • LICENSE_EE.txt
  • LICENSE_EE.html

And of course, you need to consider the real biggie: Full Page Cache. I highly recommend that you find a decent 3rd party Full Page cache.

Best of luck!