How to Move Magento Shop to Another Server


I was having my site in shared hosting, I took the entire backup, its structure is like

addons          homedir        mysql             resellerpackages  suspendinfo
bandwidth       homedir_paths  mysql.sql         sds               userconfig
counters        httpfiles      mysql-timestamps  sds2              userdata
cp              locale         nobodyfiles       shadow            va
cron            logaholic      pds               shell             vad
digestshadow    logs           proftpdpasswd     ssl               version
dnszones        meta           psql              sslcerts          vf
domainkeys      mm             quota             ssldomain
fp              mma            resellerconfig    sslkeys
has_sslstorage  mms            resellerfeatures  suspended

Now I have subscribed to vps, I have copied the files inside homedir/public_html to var/www/html of my new hosting, but am seeing the following error when I view it browser,

There has been an error processing your request

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 259343920016

I have just created database with name magenhto inside mysql. Previously I had cpanel and used one click installer. Hence am not aware of how to use that data inside mysql to this new system and are there any more changes.

Best Answer

The following procedure describes the basic needs for moving your magento-shop to another server. There might be additional things to consider (changing domains, DNS, PHP-Configuration, tools & programms on your server) which need to take care of on your own.

1. Backup files in your Magento directory on your old server:

You might empty your var/cache, var/session, var/report and var/log directory first to save space and speed up the backup

2. Create a database dump on your old server:

Use phpMyAdmin, Chive or via console with mysqldump, n98-magerun

3. Set up directory structure for files and create database + user on your new server

4. Move files and database dump to your new server: via FTP, SSH,...

5. Extract file-backup to your new magento directory

6. Check and set file-permissions

Usually 644 for files and 755 for folders.

See also this question for more information: What permissions should I give /var and /media?

7. Import database-dump on your new server:

Use phpMyAdmin, Chive or via console with mysql, n98-magerun

8. Update new database-settings in app/etc/local.xml

9. Update URLs in core_config_data:

You can edit the base_url via Web-Frontend (phpMyAdmin, Chive,...) or use these SQL-statements. You might need to edit the urls for your stores also.

Look for path ="web/unsecure/base_url" and path="web/secure/base_url" in the core_config_data table.

10. Empty var/cache, var/session, var/report, var/log (if you did not do that before you created the backup on the old server)

11. Reindex your data: catalog url rewrites

12. Enjoy your beer!

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