Magento 1.7 – Override Core Catalog Block Product List


I am trying to override core/catalog/block/product/List.php with following


file: Ziva/Customcatalog/etc/config.xml

                <class>Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block</class> <!--this is a new block page for that custom module-->

file: Ziva/Customcatalog/Block/Product/List.php

class Ziva_Customcatalog_Block_Product_List extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List {

    public function __construct() {

    protected function _getProductCollection() { // trying to override this method
        echo __CLASS__;
        return parent::_getProductCollection();

    public function holdthis() {
        echo __METHOD__;


In exception log I am getting

exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'Invalid block type: Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block_Product_Compare_Sidebar' in C:\wamp\www\magento2\app\Mage.php:594

followed by

Invalid block type: Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block_Product_Price_Template
Invalid block type: Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block_Layer_View
Invalid block type: Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block_Category_View
Invalid block type: Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block_Product_List_Toolbar

And no products are displayed


I figured the problem


Now I am rephrasing the question.

In a custom module you can only have one block class? But in core/catalog/block, we can see many.

Best Answer

If you update your config.xml as follows, you should be able to add multiple unique handles:

                <class>Ziva_CustomCatalog_Block</class> <!--this is a new block page for that custom module-->

You can then call 'ziva_customcatalog/layer_view' for your new block.

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