Magento – How to override Magento model file that extends PHP class


I want to override a model file of another extension into my extension in order to develop the compatibility between the two extensions

The class I want to override is class Customweb_PostFinanceCw_Model_OrderContext extends Customweb_Payment_Authorization_OrderContext_AbstractDeprecated implements Customweb_Payment_Authorization_IOrderContext this class also extends another class of PHP

Please help me in extending this file.

Best Answer

Below a simple example of how to override a model from one module within another module.

Please take a look at the file app/code/local/Customweb/PostFinanceCw/etc/config.xml for the correct use of the modulename namespace (which I can't read from your question, I used customweb_postfinancecw for now).

You'd have to have a piece of XML like this in your module's config.xml (I named it MyCompany_MyModule, please replace it with your own)


Then, in app/code/local/MyCompany/MyModule/Model/, create a file OrderContext.php like this

class MyCompany_MyModule_Model_OrderContext extends Customweb_PostFinanceCw_Model_OrderContext

    /* Override methods now */


You should name the methods exactly the same as in the original Customweb_PostFinanceCw_Model_OrderContext class to override it's functionality. Also keep in mind to keep the same visibility (public, protected or private).

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